Just what the doctor ordered.
With The Key Health Care Park Rx Provider Awareness Program, the gap between providers and patients can be bridged by transforming how medicine is practiced. Integrating the whole person into the practice of healthcare through the simple act of writing a prescription to the park has the capacity to create a more open, accessible, and community-based system.
A simple walk in the park – your local park.
Research has shown that walking is an aerobic exercise that lowers blood pressure and body mass index, as well as reducing the risks of diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.
Several studies have shown that spending time in nature reduces stress: It lowers blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduces nervous system arousal, enhances immune function, increases self-esteem, reduces anxiety, and improves mood.
So let’s start walking!
Spending time outdoors can improve your health and well-being. As part of the National Park Rx Program, The Key Health Care Park Rx Provider Awareness Program encourages everyone to enjoy nature and outdoor spaces.
By fostering collaboration between clinicians and government, The Key Health Care Park Rx Provider Awareness Program aims to enhance the physical and mental health of the community. This is done by encouraging the use of public areas and parks.
The Key Health Care Park Rx Provider Awareness Program promotes government-provider collaboration to achieve clinic-to-nature connectivity. By integrating resources within a clinical setting, the program empowers local parks and recreation departments and local healthcare teams to promote the benefits of nature to one's physical and mental well-being.
It's your move!
If you are interested in becoming a Clinical Park Rx Partner or receiving sponsorship for your local Parks and Recreation Department, please contact Key Health Care at parkrx@keyhealthcare.org.