Bring your drug costs down quickly with our Expanded Prescription Benefit. You and your dependents have access to low-cost prescription drugs on the spot at more than 85,000 U.S. network pharmacies. And now, for the first time, you may purchase an individual membership at an affordable rate whether paying personally or on a payroll deduction basis, through your employer.
Your card is easy to use; simply present it along with your doctor’s prescription to a participating pharmacist. The pharmacist verifies eligibility, deductible, and co-payment through electronic claims submission and fills the prescription. There is no need to complete a claim form or wait for reimbursement.
Your Expanded Prescription Benefit is an excellent value. Prescription drugs can frequently cost more than your doctor’s visit, but that is unlikely with the Key Health Care Expanded Prescription Benefit! If you choose a generic drug, your co-pay will be $20*. If you request a brand name drug, your co-pay will be $40*. If your prescription drug is non-formulary, your co-pay will be $60*.
*In many instances, your co-pay will be less. If you have not met your deductible or have exhausted your benefit allowance, your co-pay might be slightly higher.
Inquire Today to get more information about our convenient expanded prescription program.